PDF⋙ Hepatology: Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Hepatology: Diagnosis and Clinical Management
Hepatology: Diagnosis and Clinical Management PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book will be an affordable, highly practical handbook on hepatology, aimed at residents/trainees in gastroenterology, GI nurses, and recently qualified consultants to use as a quick reference when managing patients presenting with possible or overt liver disease.It will be of particular use for those GI internists/residents who have an interest specifically in hepatology. It does not aim to be a specialist textbook, but a shorter, 250pp guide that provides key clinical information on each area of hepatology in an accessible form. Extracting relevant material from large reference textbooks can be very time consuming and for this reason, information in this handbook will be presented succinctly in a style suitable for quick reference and easy understanding.
The chief emphasis will be on the clinical assessment and management of these patients, and all the major areas of liver disease will be covered, from liver cirrhosis to viral hepatitis, to autoimmune liver failure.
Chapters will use a variety of structural features and colour coded boxes to increase the accessibility for residents. These include: key points/take-home points, case history, practice points and management algorithm/flow-charts. Each chapter will also contain sample multiple choice questions that the reader will be able to test themselves on.
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