PDF⋙ Improving Fuel Economy: Money In Your Pocket by Roy Cox

Improving Fuel Economy: Money In Your Pocket by Roy Cox

Improving Fuel Economy: Money In Your Pocket

Improving Fuel Economy: Money In Your Pocket by Roy Cox PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

With gasoline prices on the rise, every driver will appreciate this complete, concise guide to fuel economy and how to improve it in today's automobiles! The only publication of its kind, Fuel Economy thoroughly discusses ways in which modern automotive systems work together and the interrelationships that affect fuel economy. Author Roy Cox uses simple, straightforward language to raise such important topics as conditions and components that cause specific problems, actions that can be taken to make your car use less fuel, and when to seek professional repairs. "Drive slower," says Cox "Driving at 50 to 55 mph is measurably more economical. Drivers should also try to avoid braking and drive off-hours to as not to get caught in rush hour traffic jams." Fuel Economy details the beneficial effects of fuel economy maintenance. Cox includes step-by-step instructions for common do-it-yourself procedures. "Vehicle owners should drive less and drive better." Says Cox. "Regular maintenance and unclogging of air filters is important, too." This clever combination of "how it works" and "how to do the maintenance" approach fosters new insight into the key factors affecting fuel economy in cars, and what drivers can do to keep them performing at peak power and economy.

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