PDF⋙ You Suck at Racing: A crash course for the novice driver by Ian Korf
You Suck at Racing: A crash course for the novice driver by Ian Korf
You Suck at Racing: A crash course for the novice driver by Ian Korf PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A lot of books on driving are written by professional racers who assume you too want to be a professional racer. Not this book. It's written by a hobbyist who suggests you keep your day job. Besides, it's much more fun being an enthusiastic amateur than a jaded professional (just ask someone in the sex industry). This book is designed to help the average driver make the transition from commuter to safe road racer in as few pages as possible. I wrote this book because it's what I would have wanted to read when I first became interested in track driving: succinct, nerdy, practical, and occasionally diverting. It is not intended as a definitive tome or a work of art. It's more like a sandwich: convenient and nourishing.From reader reviews:
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