PDF⋙ Physics Laboratory Experiments by Jerry D. Wilson, Cecilia A. Hernández-Hall

Physics Laboratory Experiments by Jerry D. Wilson, Cecilia A. Hernández-Hall

Physics Laboratory Experiments

Physics Laboratory Experiments by Jerry D. Wilson, Cecilia A. Hernández-Hall PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This market-leading manual for the first-year physics laboratory course offers a wide range of class-tested experiments designed specifically for use in small to mid-size lab programs. A series of integrated experiments emphasizes the use of computerized instrumentation and includes a set of "computer-assisted experiments" that allow you to gain experience with modern equipment. By analyzing data through two different methods, learners gain a greater understanding of the concepts behind the experiments. The Eighth Edition is updated with four new economical labs and thirty new Pre-Lab Demonstrations, designed to capture interest prior to the lab and requiring only widely available materials and items.

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