PDF⋙ The Detroit Athletic Club 1887-2001 (MI) (Images of America) by Kenneth H. Voyles, John A. Bluth
The Detroit Athletic Club 1887-2001 (MI) (Images of America) by Kenneth H. Voyles, John A. Bluth
The Detroit Athletic Club 1887-2001 (MI) (Images of America) by Kenneth H. Voyles, John A. Bluth PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Since its establishment 114 years ago, the Detroit Athletic Club (DAC) has played a crucial role in the amazing history of the City of Detroit. Originally a club for amateur athletes, it was reorganized in 1913 by prominent automobile and industrial leaders. In that year, Albert Kahn, a renowned architect, designed the magnificent six-story clubhouse that still stands in the heart of Detroit's theatre and sports district.Beginning with the birth of the original club on Woodward Avenue in 1887, this book chronicles the history of the DAC up to the present, in over 200 vintage photographs-many never before seen outside of the club. Images gathered from the club's archives cover the formative years at the first club, the building and opening of the new club, the DAC's great athletic traditions, its membership and staff, social activities, the art of the DAC and its magnificent restoration at the end of the 20th century.
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