PDF⋙ Eddie Paul's Extreme Chopper Building: Real Techniques for Outrageous Results by Eddie Paul
Eddie Paul's Extreme Chopper Building: Real Techniques for Outrageous Results by Eddie Paul
Eddie Paul's Extreme Chopper Building: Real Techniques for Outrageous Results by Eddie Paul PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This superior how-to chopper resource redefines extreme, and gives veteran and virgin chopper enthusiasts the tools to create the ride of their life. Builders get the low-down on chopping, stripping, super charging and customizing any motorcycle in this inspiring reference. In more than 250 full-colour photos and detailed directions, stunt car and chopper expert Eddie Paul illustrates key chopper building techniques when he takes on the Boss Hoss - the king of all extreme production motorcycles - and creates the most radical chopper to ever grace pavement.From reader reviews:
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