PDF⋙ Tennis: The Game by Gordon Kotinek
Tennis: The Game by Gordon Kotinek
Tennis: The Game by Gordon Kotinek PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Tennis: The Game by Gordon Kotinek, is intended to be a resource for those playing or coaching all levels of tennis. The book will appeal to coaches and players because it provides a step-by-step how-to-do-it for coaches. It provides instruction for pre-season questionnaires, detailed preparations for home meets, suggestions for the off-season, and drills. There are over 52 drills (with illustrations) included in the book. Every page is packed with practical suggestions to improve your game of tennis. Gordon Kotinek draws on decades of experience playing and coaching tennis. He uses his experiences from his years organizing and coaching during the summer city recreational programs for beginning tennis player to his days as on-site coordinator for Nick Bollettieri, when Bollettieri ran summer camps for students before establishing his year-round residential tennis school in Bradenton, Florida. Kotinek’s ability to successfully coach his high school tennis teams at Beaver Dam High School earned him a place on the Wisconsin High School Tennis Coaches Association Hall of Fame in 1989.From reader reviews:
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